If you are a business owner, employee or volunteer who wants to add more value to your organization, or a student of knowledge of business “best practices,” this non-profit was established to help you grow.
Founded by an established publisher of over 800 bestselling business authors in all areas of running a business and a longtime consultant and board member for multiple non-profits, the Ideas Worth Sharing Open-Access Book Library
is a powerful digital resource.
But it is more than just a random collection of e-books. It is meticulously curated with works from renowned authors and fresh voices alike across a wide variety of business topics.
This non-profit exists as an open-source resource for small business owners and employees, non-profit administrators and college interns.
And you, if you are thirsty for more knowledge and understanding of how modern businesses function successfully.
These are all published books…available for purchase online.
Why would these authors offer them for free?
Many successful business leaders and authors are more interested in creating a legacy, of reaching as many people as possible and sharing their knowledge and understanding.
Books from our library have been downloaded and distributed in significant numbers, reflecting a growing awareness and interest.
have accessed our library, making it a truly global initiative. For many of these people, access to this library may be life-changing
Hundreds of authors have already joined the movement, asking for their books to be included, and many more contact us every month. We welcome all business authors to include access for their works, to benefit small businesses, entrepreneurs and non-profits with the guidance and information they need.
All non-profits thrive on community engagement. We encourage you to participate or even volunteer to help with technical aspects or outreach. As our community grows, you may write reviews, participate in discussions, ask questions, and give your feedback to us and other members, and suggest other books and authors you’d like to see added.
More than ever, information is the new currency. This initiative ensures that everyone, irrespective of their background, can be rich in knowledge. Dive in, explore, read, and let’s together build a world brimming with Ideas Worth Sharing!
You don’t need to be an author to support this initiative! Whenever you spread the word, recommend Ideas Worth Sharing to friends and co-workers, leave a review after reading, or make suggestions… you’re playing a vital role!
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